Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Assignment #3: WORLD AIDS DAY

Many people believe that AIDS and HIV are two different things. Really HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. HIV stands human immunodeficiency virus. This virus is basically caused from blood-to-blood contact or sexual intercourse. Some blood-to-blood contacts are: fighting because blood can be exchanged, tattoos or piercings, sharing needles, blood transfusions or transfusions in general, and breast feeding. As far sexual intercourse transmission can happen during: Anal, Oral, and Vaginal sex. AIDS is acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Aids basically breaks down your body's cells which greatly affects your immune system. This means an individuals body is more vulnerable or open to bacteria and viruses that wouldn't normally hurt them. HIV and AIDS is a big issue, this is why we need to protect ourselves the best way we can. Some sufficient ways are : using safe-sex methods, abstinence, using your own syringe (needle) or not using them at all, avoid breast feeding, make sure that  sterile tools are used when you are getting a tattoo and/or piercing. 

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