Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Assignment #2

1.  What book or magazine did you read?  What pages did you read?  What is the title of the story, quiz, article etc?  
The magazine that i was reading was Current Health. I read pages 22-24. The title of the article was "Prescription for Disaster"

2.  What did you predict your book would be about?  Were you correct in your prediction?  Explain.
I predicted that this magazine would be about health and ways to maintain your health. My prediction was also right, the magazine had lots of topics on health and ways to stay healthy and live life to its best ability.

3.  What interesting information did you learn that you want to share with other people?  Write about what you learned in your own words.  
Some interesting information that I would like to share with others is the effects of OxyContin and what it actually does to individuals who choose to use it.

First off let's explain what Oxycontin is. OxyContin is a very strong narcotic pain reliever similar to morphine. 
Although OxyContin is supposed to be used to relieve pain, many use it for personal enjoyment. When OxyContin is chewed instead of swallowed whole it sends the body into an intense experience. The brain is affected in may ways such as: pain easing or not feeling any pain at all, increased heart rate, slow breathing, and nausea. All of this happens as a result of the active ingredient in the drug. Oxycodne is an opiate similar to morphine, and opiates usually cause the brain to become intensely high. At the end the day OxyContin is a drug regardless to if its prescription or not. Always be aware of what your using and the risk factors that come along with it!  Also be aware that Oxycontin has many names like: "oxy", ''oxycotton', hillbilly heroin and etc. 
4.  Why do you think it is important?

Drugs and Alcohol are very major factors in both teens and adults lives. There is almost everyone that can relate to the topic of drug and alcohol abuse, whether its personal or just seeing it throughout society. Being that this topic hasn't  disappeared it is always good to spread awareness about the topic.

5.   What questions do you have about what you learned? 

-Who started the OxyContin craze?
-What areas is Oxycontin use more popular?
-How could the use of his drug be stopped?
Are there laws that can be passed to help keep Oxycontin out of the wrong hands?

6.  What other topics are you interested in learning about?



[_Nikki Reyes_] said...

Hey Gurlie
Just Passin Sum Love...
Might as well make sum use to this
Check Out The Video I posted On My Blog...
Its About This Guy That Spreads Aids Around The New York Region...

Knowledge is powaaa!

jewel mack said...

hey girl i never knew that OxyContin is supposed to be used to relieve pain,an many use it for personal enjoyment woow thats crazy

wellnessworksbest said...

Shauntell- Great writing on you your blog. You shared interesting information about Oxycontin with your peers. Abuse of prescription drugs is a large problem in our society. This is a topic that we need to educate people about. I love your attitude about learning! Nicole

stephaniemariano said...

hey shauntell ! very interesting